Ice cream is happiness condensed

-Jessi Lane Adams

Friday, August 19, 2011

September Flavors!

As promised....Orange Blossom is featuring 3 seasonal flavors each month. September's flavors are

Butter Butterscotch Cake: a light butter ice cream swirled with butterscotch honey soaked yellow cake

Chocolate Truffle: 72% dark chocolate & Valrhona cocoa powder blended to make a deep chocolate taste compariable to the inside of a truffle

Beligian Peach: Farm fresh peaches compliment the umalted barley of a beligian ale, Lindeman's Lambic

These flavors will be available on the 1st of September for $7 each per pint. To pre order, email or find me on facebook and post your order! Remember home delivery on base is included and off base home delivery is an $2. Pick ups can always been arranged as well! Thank you all!


Friday, August 12, 2011

A new adventure

I was 25 weeks pregnant and I flew home from California to Ohio to visit my family. My mother's latest culinary obsession was ice cream. She purchased a Cuisinart model that she raved about and didn't stop raving about the whole car ride home from the airport. I was not home more than 15 minutes and we were already back in the car riding to Kroger's for ice cream ingredients. We followed the recipe like any good home chef and poured the mixture into the frozen bowl on the machine.
The ice cream churned and churned. After it spent the appropriate amount of time "ripening" in the freezer, my mother and my pregnant self dipped our spoons straight into the container of Aztec Hot Chocolate....I was in love!
Since then I have made count less batches of ice cream, always bringing a taste test out to my husband before I packed the ice cream away for ripening. Batches of ice cream that have been shared at girls nights with my friends and batches that were made the very night before my little boy was born; I'm a die hard ice cream fan. This obsession pushes me to the gym for running and spinning.
I finally decided to listen to many of my taste testers who have told me, "you should sell this stuff" as they lick their spoon. Many sleepless nights, not just from my baby boy, have kept me up deciding how best to go about it. To start & until futher notice...

I'll feature 3 flavors per month sold in pints. My ice creams will also be delivered to your home (depending on location) or available for pick up . More details to follow!

If you have any suggestions, please email/comment/tell me. I wouldn't be anywhere without customers.
Ice cream is more than just a tub of you pluck out of a frosted window after deciding on a flavor at the grocery store. It's that special after dinner treat that you scoop out with a smile on your face. Or it's the late night tiptoeing to the kitchen armed with a spoon to dip into the frost rimmed container hidden in the back of the freezer. Ice cream is a treat that is good for all seasons and has evolved from more than just good ole chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry